The Lost Canyon Project is a 7,000 acre foot water supply project for the Basin which was started in 2002 and completed in 2004. This project represents western Summit County's first importation project - meaning all water is brought into the basin from outside (Weber River in Eastern Summit County), rather than taking the sparse water resources in the Snyderville Basin area. Mountain Regional Water District and Park City share capacity in this project.
24 inch high pressure pipe lined up along Rockport reservoir.
Foundation construction of the Signal Hill Water Treatment Plant.
Most of pipeline was excavated in solid rock by this large trenching machine.
Pipeline in State Highway - along Rockport Reservoir
Completed pump installation.
Large water surge tank below pump station to handle water hammer in the event of a power failure. Pipeline PIG launching facility is also shown.
Pipeline climbing out of Lost Canyon.
Pipeline near bottom of Lost Canyon.
First filling of the Signal Hill Treatment Plant 10 million gallon pond.
Installation of three 450 horsepower motors on new pumps.
Lost Canyon Pump Station expansion project in 2008 to enable capacity to feed Park City.
Installation of pumps in the Lost Canyon Booster Pump Station.
Water diversion facility on Weber River near Rockport Reservoir.
Completed Pump Station Expansion.
Rockport Booster Pump Station - used to feed water to the Lost Canyon Booster Pumping Facility.
Installing post-treatment GAC absorbers to improve water quality at the treatment plant expansion of 2009.
New Sub-station constructed in 2010 to allow for higher energy efficiency and reduced costs of pumping at Lost Canyon Pump Station.
View of pipeline trench in rock after cut.
Liquid nitrogen system used to charge the large surge supression tank buried beneath this site.
The first water delivery - from Rockport to Promontory - Summer 2004
Inspecting welds inside of steel pipeline section.
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