Fire Hydrants

Fire Hydrant Policies
Mountain Regional has thousands of fire hydrants which are inspected and maintained for your safety and for the protection of your property.
If you ever see (or hear) a hydrant which may be leaking or is used for an unauthorized purpose (as in the picture to the left), please let us know immediately.
Hydrants are often used for construction or dust control water. If so, they will have a meter on them - provided by us. If you are in need of a temporary fire hydrant meter please see the Customer Service / Start Service page for the Hydrant Meter form.
Please take a little time to adopt a fire hydrant near your home and help to keep obstructions and vehicles away form it. Clear any snow away from it in the winter months, and please let us know if the hydrant needs any maintenance or a hydrant marker attached to it.
Some fire hydrants on very large lots - where an additional hydrant was necessary, to be located within the property or next to the home, are private hydrants, and are to be maintained by the home or property owner. If you have a question about this - please contact us.
While we appreciate your efforts to be vigilant about protecting the hydrants near your home or business - we again need to emphasize that hydrants are not to be tampered with or painted or concealed by others. Many hydrants are painted in a fashion that indicates their visibility, operation, or pressure status to the fire department. We all need to work together to ensure that these hydrants are accessible and work to the best of their ability. THANK YOU!