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Lead and Copper Service Line Inventory


For the first time, the EPA is requiring water systems to develop a public lead service line inventory and create a plan for identifying and removing lead service lines.

Lead has seen an increased amount of attention and oversight due to adverse health effects and issues other US cities have had concerning high levels of lead in drinking water. Lead in drinking water primarily originates in premise plumbing (like a service lateral), and not from the water source or distribution system. Lead can enter drinking water when a chemical reaction occurs in plumbing materials that contain lead. This is known as corrosion – dissolving (or wearing away) metal from the pipes and fixtures.

Mountain Regional Water tests water inside homes within its distribution system considered at risk for lead and copper contamination, per EPA requirements (CCR 2022). Mountain Regional Water is committed to providing high quality drinking water but cannot control the variety of materials used in customer premise plumbing components. Lead was banned from use on domestic plumbing in 1986 federally and implemented into Utah Plumbing Code in 1989. Homes built before this date may have internal plumbing containing lead pipes or solder.

Please fill out the water service line material survey by clicking the link on the right to help assist us in this process so we can continue to better serve you and keep in compliance with federal regulations.